selling to designers & florists

BLOOM WNC provides flowers to florists & designers

seasonal wholesale flowers are available from mid-january to October

  • Flowers are cut to order a day in advance, properly hydrated and set in a cooler for optimum quality and vase life.

  • Pick-up is on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and must be arranged.

  • If order exceeds $200 we can deliver to Asheville, Black Mountain, Old Fort, Marion, and Morganton on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for a small delivery fee.

  • Please Note: A minimum per-order purchase of $50 is required.

  • our seasonal fresh cut Flower selection varies week to week - availability is updated every monday.

  • After wholesale purchasing approval, you receive weekly monday emails with current wholesale flower availability.

Colorful array of fresh cut Daffodils, Tulips, Snapdragons, Lupine, Peonies, Zinnias, Sunflowers and Dahlias grown on the Bloom WNC flower farm, and available to wholesale accounts, in the Asheville/Black Mountain region of Western North Carolina.

wholesale purchasing approval process

  1. To access the availability of wholesale flowers please open form, fill it out and submit.

  2. Wholesale flowers are only available to florists and designers with a valid resale tax id.

  3. Please allow 48 hours for your application to be approved.

  4. Once approved, Abigail will contact you with order and purchase information.